List of Less Competitive Courses in Nigerian Universities

In Nigeria universities, you will find less competitive courses that most students don’t know about; unless they do a research about the programs.

But, what do I mean by less competitive courses in Nigeria? These are courses that are slightly easier to gain admission into, and have a few students pursuing the courses in Nigeria Universities.

So, if you are a student searching for less competitive courses in Nigerian universities; I will be writing about the less competitive courses in Nigeria that students can easily gain admission into universities and study the courses.

1. Languages

When I say you can study languages as a course, I mean our native languages such as Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Ijaw, Efik and many others in Nigeria.

With the required credentials, it’s not hard to secure admission into any Nigerian higher institution offering language related programs.

Teaching job and other related offers are always available for languages graduates. Language plays an important role in any human beings, companies, and community-school homes. The language of any human society tells a whole lot about that society, therefore, it could be further emphasized that language and any anyone’s society are always together.

In any human society, language occupies an important place, more than it seems to all. The functions of language in any human community include the following; expression of ideas, political, management, education, social, spiritual, legislation and other.

Thus, the language of any society also should give a perfect understanding of what that society is about that includes; the culture, beliefs, style of dressing, marriage between couples and other sociolinguistic information regarding the society.

Language is also regarded as the symbol of a country just like the flag, National Anthem, Currency etc. In other words, language is to be the window where people can see in the society.

In overall, let’s embrace the study of language in Nigeria with pride and enthusiasm and encourage what we have together and then our differences will become a thing of the past. Language has a very important part to play in our search for national unity in our country.

2. History

History is one of those underrated course, which make it less competitive courses in Nigerian universities to students and easy to get admission in higher institutions. The University of Uyo (Uniuyo) is offering the course and provides other worldwide language studies too.

However, History is among the courses the majority of Nigerian students looking for admission know nothing about. History is a permanent feature in the lives of the Nigerian people and places.

The study of history is the profession that deals with the analysis of past events and happenings, characters to enhance our knowledge, which is applicable in a number of branches of many professions in Nigeria.

The truth is that history remains one of the finest course, anyone can study in university, simply because it offers the scope to comprehend and learn by study and analysis of information to identify historical events and details to recognize and know past characters, cultures, events that will benefit us in one way or the other. You will never go wrong studying history in school.

3. Surveying

Surveying is one of the most lucrative courses in the 21st century.

However, it’s less competition in Nigerian higher institutions; this may be unconnected with the goal of the students to a study professional course like architectures and quantity survey.

In the world of multi- million Naira businesses in Nigeria, the role of a quantity surveyor has never been higher. They’re in high demand worldwide as the requirement for the profession continues to grow every day.

You can expect to travel greatly on your new role as it is a must for any quantity surveyor. It is an exciting career for both new and old alike, ask yourself, could this be the career for me?

I will suggest this course for you since we have fewer amounts of quantity surveyors in the country with high chances of immediate employment after graduation and less entry competition.

4. Agriculture

Agriculture needs no introduction to a typical African American man. If you are a Nigerian, you should know that Agriculture is one of the lucrative businesses in Nigeria. The fact that our people now ignore agriculture makes it less competitive in Nigeria universities. With the required credentials it is simple to gain admission to study agriculture.

Today lots of economic trade between nations is the exchange of agricultural products. This market of the economy deals with more than just the actual exchange of goods. There are other varieties of responsibilities in the agricultural course that people can learn through in higher institutions.

Many accredited universities provide degree distinctions in every facet of the agricultural sector. Prospective students interested in this area of study will have the ability to make their education solely through agriculture studies.

The truth is that agriculture remains one of the best professional courses in the world today, with strong ability to become self-employed without working for anyone after you graduate from college.

5. Education Courses

Education courses (dual honors) are among the less competitive courses in the higher institutions.

There are loads of education courses available either online or in a local learning institution close to you in Nigeria and there would be one that will fit your needs. Some of these courses have been designed for complete beginners; who have no prior training or education in that specific field, though some would require prior preparation.

You can make inquiries from the institutions about the education courses that do not have any entry requirements and which ones have such conditions.

The key requirement, however, is that you’re willing to learn and go through the classes in this course of study without any difficulties.

It is unrelated to the belief that if you study education you will end up in the classroom, which is simply not the truth because education courses can  give students new skills and abilities they could use in other aspects of life.

6. Veterinary Medicine

The branch of medicine dealing with the disease, injuries and treatment of domestic and farm animals, is also among the less competitive courses in Nigeria. As the attention of majority students is changed to human medicine, veterinary medicine continues to be one of the most lucrative and professional courses in the modern world.

Just like people, animals need efficient health care treatment. It’s typical for animals to require preventative maintenance to be able to keep good health and also preventive therapy if they’re hurt or sick.

Veterinary medicine is important for the research in animal growth and its development. A Veterinarian will administer diagnostic, therapeutic and medical treatments to any type of animals around the world.

7. Material & Metallurgical Engineering

Modern day world may not be interesting without the courses like material and metallurgical engineering. However, lack of career guidance leads many students to reject metallurgical engineering for other unprofessional engineering courses.

As Metallurgy market is making progress in Nigeria, there is a high demand for metallurgical engineers. If your desire is to study engineering, I will advise you with study of material and metallurgical engineering because it is among the less competitive engineering course for you.

8. Agricultural Engineering

A branch of agriculture dealing with, construction and improvement of farming equipment and machines is also among the less competitive courses in Nigerian higher institutions.

As Nigerian government’s attention now shifted to agriculture, agricultural engineering market is boosting in Nigeria even with the recent recession. If you have the required credentials for agricultural engineering, I will recommend the course because it worth studying in Nigeria.

9. Mathematics & Data

Mathematics and statistics are among those challenging courses in one’s academic journey. 90℅ of mathematics students are forced to study math from their first year in university. In other words, a mathematician has a higher chance of getting employed due to scarcity of math teachers in universities and higher institutions.

The impact of math in human’s life is two-fold, it’s important in “the advancement of science and two, it’s important in our understanding of the workings of the world”. And in here and today it’s required for people and personal development, both mentally and at workplaces.

Mathematics equips students with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem-solving abilities, and the ability to think in abstract ways.

Mathematics is important in everyday life, many types of employment, science and engineering, medicine, the economy, the environment and development, and in public decision-making.

10. Radiography

Sounds like a competitive course, also sounds like a professional program to study in universities; and of course, it is. The fact medical students are after medication, pharmacy, nursing and others; it makes radiography less competitive to secure admission in any Nigerian university offering the course.

Radiography holds a promising career path for aspiring graduates. They can find employment in the offices, hospitals, clinics and diagnostic imaging centers of health care practitioners. They are known to earn between N550, 000 and N750, 000 per month.

In the next few years, the scope of medical radiography is expected to grow. Nowadays, the diagnosis of a disorder without using radiography is considered to be impossible.

11. Building Technology

With your required credentials, you will need a little or no follow up to gain admission for you to research about building technology in Nigeria, with a higher chance of getting employment after graduation.

The technology in construction is substantially better than it had been twenty years ago. Advancements have been made with the durability, insulation, and efficacy of new buildings and houses.

Contractors have the ability to give customers more powerful buildings which over time will save the owners cash over the life span of the building.

12. Zoology

Zoology revolves round the study of animal behavior, animal physiology and life. Someone who’s interested in studying zoology in university must take an education program in life and animal sciences, biology to complete the degree needs.

Employment in zoology parks, wildlife research facilities and aquariums are the need for zoologists to have PH.D in zoology or minimum bachelor’s degree in zoology or related field.

Students that are studying zoology at university are taking significant classes such as communication skills, mathematical and scientific reasoning. The courses that are common in the degree of zoology includes genetics, animal physiology, vertebrate and invertebrate zoology and animal behavior.

However, Zoologists prefer to work in the academia or different research areas to obtain a PH.D from studying zoology in college. There are loads of job possibilities out there for these people. Zoologists are largely employed in the zoology parks.

These folks are responsible for overseeing the animals, its environment, support the employees and plan various activities associated with the animal environment and behavior. They evaluate the animals for signs of illness or injury and provide information to the vet.

So, I hope these courses mentioned above will help you determine the course to choose among the list of less competitive courses in Nigerian universities.

If you have any other courses you believe should be included, simply use the comment area below to do that.




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